Gabriella Braun, Director of Working Well is a senior consultant with over twenty years experience in applying psychoanalysis and systems theory in the workplace. She works with a network of other consultants; we are among the top specialists in the country and are highly qualified and rigorously trained. We have particular expertise in leadership, team and organisational development, change, conflict resolution, cross cultural work, facilitation and experiential learning, organisational design and structure, authority, role and boundaries. Between us we work in a very wide variety of sectors in the UK and abroad, have links to international business schools, and teach and supervise organisational consultancy to doctorate level. Our network means we have the capacity and flexibility to put together the right team for the right job.

We maintain very high professional and ethical standards and monitor our work through regular supervision.

Gabriella Braun

Gabriella’s background is in education and training where she held management positions in local and national organisations. She was a Principal Consultant with the Tavistock Consultancy Service and taught for many years on the Masters degree at the Tavistock in psychoanalytic and systemic approaches to understanding and consulting to organisations. She specialises in leadership development, team dynamics, conflict resolution and mediation, and organisational change and culture. Her book, ALL THAT WE ARE: Uncovering the hidden truths behind our behaviour at work, published by Little Brown UK, is out on 3 February 2022.

She works in the UK and internationally in experiential learning workshops exploring leadership, role, authority and diversity, the way teams and groups relate to one another, as well as the impact and forming of culture, values, belief systems, and decision-making processes in organisations.

Gabriella was an expert advisor to government on training. She has considerable experience of consulting in rapidly changing environments and has led several large scale change projects in Eastern Europe and the UK.

Organisations she has worked with include: Birkbeck College, University of London; the British Library; coaches, consultants and facilitators; HR and L&D professionals; the senior leadership team of European region for Boehringer-Ingelheim global pharmaceutical company; individual leaders and managers in a global fmcg company; senior leadership teams in schools, colleges, County Councils; Queen Mary, University of London, RADA; Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust and other NHS Trusts; Tate; University of Cambridge; UNICEF.


  • M.Ed (Continuing Education), Warwick University
  • MA (Consultation and the Organisation: Psychoanalytic
  • Approaches), Tavistock Clinic/UEL
  • Myers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)

Gabriella is also trained in Group Relations (in-depth training about groups and teams) and systems thinking in organisations.

Member of:

  • European Mentoring and Coaching Council
  • Tavistock Society for Psychotherapists and Allied Professionals

Gabriella Braun talks about Working Well

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Clients' experience of Gabriella's work on conflict management

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