We design the way we work around what will best meet our clients’ needs. So, if for instance, your Board or leadership team is not quite gelling together and wasting energy on unproductive disagreements, we may suggest an Away Day where we would facilitate constructive conversations that take you past your blocks and get you on track, with greater capacity for going forward together.
If you want to develop your leaders or speed up their effectiveness in periods of transition, we offer executive coaching and bespoke leadership development workshops, with the added tool of psychological understanding to accelerate learning, understanding and practice.
It may be that you want to rapidly make a difference in a particular aspect of leadership where psychology is invaluable, in which case we can design a workshop for you on a specific topic such as:
- emotional intelligence - in leadership and in getting change processes to actually work
- communication under stress – advanced skills in having difficult conversations and addressing the impact of stress on communication
- facilitation skills for enhanced leadership